This is it...history in the first blog post lol. (goes blank lol) Well let's see...I am pretty sure those of you who read this will find out interesting tidbits of my life as I I won't try to jam pack it all in this first post. As for right now...It's quiet...and I find this time of night to be my zen moment. Orion is asleep...the hubby is asleep...and me...just loving the silence. Orion has started walking this past week. Watching him take his first steps almost caused me to hyperventilate. The excitement a mother gets just from watching their child grow up is hysterical and amazing all in the same breath. He has decided with this new found freedom (which he hasn't quite mastered yet...but is getting there) that he no longer has any use for any of his once favorite, stationary forms of entertainment. So we say so long to the Octagon (or as we call it his UFC fighting cage) full of toys that kept him safe, his exersaucer with the singing chameleon that sings "red..yellow and bluuueeee" over and over again, his pack and play that he would hang out in while I take a very quick shower each day...lets have a moment of silence and say my freedom..and hello to his :)! I can't really complain...I am too proud. Also it is getting me into pretty good shape. As he wobbles off doing his Frankenstein walk...I run behind him catching him as he falls over...which right now is quite often. He thinks it's much so that I think he falls on purpose sometimes.